Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Recently a friend and I have been working on creating an online radio program. It will be distributed through iTunes via podcast with a link from this very blog. Our primary audience we believe will be the 20-somethings looking for entertainment to fill the empty time in their life when they are supposed to be producing. Also, I love looking for jobs I can do in my sweatpants.

We all know that work is a great place to check up on blogs, read the latest headlines from BBC, listen to This American Life...My hope is that soon enough, we will provide another alternative background noise in your office pair of JVC headphones.

I am currently compiling a list of topics, themes, ideas, bits, etc that we can talk about. While our current list is extensive, I would love to hear from you, the prospective listener, as to what you would like to hear. While I am not claiming to know anything, I hope to entertain you while providing a bit of information and possibly the best place to get a taco in Costa Mesa.

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