Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Yoga Fusion

With the new year comes the reminder that we are fat and out of shape. Satan has come in the form of Costco this year, tempting me to buy a two-year membership to 24 Hour Fitness, something that I have had in the past and did not use.

For the first couple months I was consistent, I looked the part, I brought my own towel, I even made a mix for the ipod. But as with most people and their gym memberships, I quit. The Rocky Road in my freezer was closer than the ab-roler.

So instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a gym membership, my church is offering free Yoga classes on Thursdays (mat included!). In surprise to my athletic prowess, I attended and was subsequently destroyed. I was told this was going to be a yoga class (a secret desire of mine is to be able to contort my body in the strength poses like our brothers to the East), but it ended up being Jazzercise Jane Fonda style with 20 minutes of Yoga at the end. After 60 minutes of jumping, squatting, lunging, Downward Dogging, I felt like my junior high asthma was returning for a second act.

Despite the torment, the experience was something to be desired. My fellow New Year's-Resolutionaries and I defeated those calories in a present-day Battle of the Bulge.

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