Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our New Addition

As you may know we just opened a Student Center that included this:

At first I thought that this would become the junior high mecca for Newport/Irvine students trying to show of their new Nikes, neon tank tops and short shorts. To my surprise the average age in the park is between 20-45, all rocking sweet mustaches, shirts with beer logos, tattoos of pin-up girls, and of course, cigarettes. Naturally I was shocked that old dudes are skating, but not only could the smoke the Q-Pipe, they could also indulge in a hashpipe! So I am proud to say that our church not only built a skate park but installed one of these babies today:

Its awesome to know that our church isn't afraid of tattoo slinging, mullet wielding, phannie pack wearing, has-beens who happen to have a less-than-attractive addiction. So while I think you're creepy, you are welcome here.

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