Friday, September 19, 2008

Color Blind Shmolor Blind

My friend Brian posted this on his blog and I thought I would share it with you. Its time to see how color blind you are. Check it out right here. Take the test and let me know your score!


Cole said...

i got a 7

Jessica Howard said...

I can't believe I sat there and did the whole test. I got a first I thought that was terrible...then, I realized the lower the better. So, Cole...I beat ya'! :)

See you guys soon...Yay for the Student Center Grand Opening! :)

Michael Cook said...

I ditto what your friend Jessica said - I can't believe I just sat through that entire test. The best part is (compared to the other two) I sucked, ha!Ii got a 19 ... I was sure that I aced the thing. I guess that explains my three red light tickets I've recv'd in the past two weeks. Hmmmm.