Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Prophetic Hygienist

I had a brilliant conversation today with my dental hygienest. I will play the part of "me" and the hygienist, for reasons of anonymity, will be "DH."

DH: So, what do you do?
Me: I am a pastor at Mariners Church.
DH: your a priest.
Me: No, I am a pastor.
DH: So you can't get married.
Me: No, I am married, pastors can get married.
DH: your Episcopalian.
Me: Can you just put your hands back in my mouth?


matt said...

Not related to your post, but since you are at Mariner's, could you thank the band that was playing out front on Sunday the 6th during the OC Marathon? They made that 1/4 mile stretch even easier for a lot of people. I know it's a big church, so if you have no idea who it is, no biggie, just in case you do....

matt said...

Thanks! And I loved the sign that said "Run like hell, then come see us".

Mariah Snyder said...

give us another blog already!

Remington said...

haha thats funny. Add me to your friends!!